1. This program is applicable for the customer who buys Asian Paints Berger products from authorized retail counters only.
2. Under this program, if the complaints are justified by the technical team of Asian Paints (Middle East) Co L.L.C
- C/O Darwish Trading Co. 100% reimbursement of the defective material plus value of defective material paid by the customer to the retailer will be reimbursed directly to the customer.
3. The above reimbursement and replacement clause mentioned under point 2, will be applicable only for justified complaints related to paint quality, and not for other complaints including packing or packaging related complaints.
4. Complaint Registration Process: Complaint has to be registered through our WeAssure toll free number or email ID.
5. Once the complaint is received, a site visit will be made by the Asian Paints (Middle East) Co L.L.C- C/O Darwish Trading Co
technical team to understand the complaint in detail. The complaint will be analyzed and evaluated by our technical team. If the complaint is justified, our WeAssure team will get in touch with you and will explain the process involved in order to claim your FOC material, plus the initial payment made to the retailer.
6. If the complaint is not justified, our WeAssure team will get in touch with you and explain the reason for non-justification of the complaint.
7. Any complaint arising due to factors like Surface Condition, Application Abuse, Customer Perception and Dealer Abuse, etc. will be considered non-justified. The company's decision on identifying the complaint as justified or non-justified will be final.
8. Customer will be eligible for compensation after a minimum purchase of 25 Ltr (Kg) or 50 USD of paint in a single invoice, whichever is of a lower value.
9. The maximum limit of monetary reimbursement under this scheme is 1000 USD (or equivalent) for a particular customer for the specific site/painting location.
10. For application / post application related complaints, customer will be eligible for compensation only if he follows there commended method of application as mentioned in the Product Data Sheet (PDS) or Directions For Use(DFU).
11. To avail compensation under this program, the entire coating system (Primer, Putty, Undercoat, Topcoat) or as mentioned in the product data sheets shall be of Asian Paints Berger product only. Use of other manufacturer's products in combination with Asian Paints Berger products on the complaint area will be disqualified from the
12. Shade variation complaints during the application/post application period caused due to any abuse/error/malpractice done at dealer's end, such as tinting from competition machine, incorrect tinting formulation, incorrect tinters, etc. will not be treated as justified complaints.
13. The program does not cover labor charges/other expenses/consequential damages-directly or indirectly caused by the product complaints for any old or new painting.
14. If the complaint arises by applying expired material, it should not be considered for this program.
15. Once the complaint is justified and settled, the same complaint will not be eligible under the reimbursement program again, however, such complaints will be resolved suitably by the WeAssure team.
16. Settling a compensation will involve the verification of various documents. The completion of settlement may take upto 2 weeks.
17. Proof of Dealer Invoice is to be made available with the customer to initiate the process of claim. The invoice shall clearly mention the following without any modifications-
a. Name of the Customer
b. Date of Purchase
c. Dealer Name & Address
d. Product name, shade details and quantity
18. The total value of refund (including the cost of material) shall not exceed the bill value for that product/products.
19. The scheme compensation will be done only to the customer whose name appears on the bill via online transfer/cheque.
20. Customer needs to submit a Government recognized Identity Proof and Bank Account details to the Asian Paints Berger dealer for processing the refund.